Do you have a head full of new ideas?
We’re breaking new ground through the music business jungle!
Marita Goga – music arts conception advises and supports you as artists through her career- and life-planning concepts.
The personal consulting agency for artists offered by Marita Goga – music arts conception specialises in
- coaching for artists
- communication
- marketing of individual concepts
- artist image and brand development
Artistic Potential
For you, this means:
specific ascertainment of your potential strengths/weaknesses
consulting and support in the development of artistic concepts in music, painting, sculpture, writing and other arts
assistance in condensing your individual wishes into a feasible overall plan of action and finding your personal system
jointly optimising your potential with the objective of attaining: your visible and gaugeable success, your secure career planning

Coaching for Artists
As musicians, you need support and advice when planning your artistic projects. You can concentrate completely on your artistic work.
Marita Goga is at hand to support you right from the start in choosing the appropriate projects and partners for you; she maps out with you your personal and artistic image and your impact on the public.

Strategy and Orientation in the Music Business
Marita Goga – music arts conception develops strategies in partnership with you for your branch of work.
Cooperates with you in coordinating your diverse artistic talents
Creates with you your own personal image, your “selling brand”
Maps out with you your own personal time schedule for your work and career. This basic consulting will design for you your individual time schedule and finance management. In addition she takes over
Communication and press liaison
Planning of your tours

As a creative artist you work together with Marita Goga – music arts conception to find your “themes” for productions. Marita Goga plans the marketing of your products with you and manages your communication and promotional activities. Of course she also helps in scouting for and selecting suitable locations, addresses and contacts.
Marita Goga – music arts conception supports you in your work as author, photographer and film maker so that you can round off your project successfully, especially if it is your first. A network provides support for you in all aspects of your projects – whether technical, organisational, legal, or in graphic design.

Interdisciplinary Network
Marita Goga – music arts conception works together with universities, opera and concert houses, churches, institutions and business enterprises. Marita Goga also develops concepts for you, including commissions, integrating the various creative disciplines into an overall concept. Artists act together in interdisciplinary cooperation.
This involves Project planning and acquisitioning for conductors, concert and opera projects for singers, the founding and of ensembles and setting them up as a brand in the sphere of Early Music, market analysis and special treatment for the music market.
About Marita Goga
Marita Goga founded the agency Marita Goga – music arts conception on 1 January 2004.
Marita Goga – music arts conception is the outcome of a number of successful activities, for instance the founding of the vocal ensemble OPUS VOCALE and the increased demand for coaching for young artists. Marita Goga employs a permanent assistant and three freelancers.
Marita Goga studied education, geography, sociology, psychology and music at diverse universities in Berlin.
Her work has included exhibition organiser, PR director of a consulting firm, and coordinator of public relations in the Government of a Federal Land.
Since 2004, she has been a freelance supporter, coach and concept developer for young artists.
References and Engagements
Vokalensemble OPUS VOCALE, Volker Hedtfeld
Opernchöre im Rahmen von Produktionen der Hochschule für Musik Hanns-Eisler von 2004 bis 2005
2006 – 2016 Mitglied des LEADERCHORES des Rundfunkchores Berlin
Efrat Alony
Adi Braun
Claude Diallo
Reinaldo Dopp
Terese Lien Evenstedt
Peter Gotthardt
Moritz Goetzen
Marijke Jährling
Erik Leuthäuser
Modern SAX Quartet Mainz 04
Diego Piñera
Dagmar Wilgo
Johann Sebastian Hänel
Thomas Ernst
Took part in
Kurt Weill Festival
Jazz Baltica
Jazzahead 2021 (Ausstellerin)
Freiburger Kulturbörse 2019
Masterclass Simon Halsey and Coro de la Cambra Catalan Palau Música
Lecturer mit Simon Halsey “Mediation Process and Choral Management”
11th World Choir Symposium on Choral Music Barcelona 2017
Jazzahead Bremen seit 2016
Chorcom Dortmund 2013 und 2015
International music conference,
Heidelberger Frühling seit 2013
Fachtagung Fundraising Kultur 2010 und 2012
Masterclass Rundfunkchor Berlin 2010
Salzburger Festspiele 2010
Festival Aix en Provence 2009
Festival Cuenca 2009
Europa Cantat, Utrecht 2009
Masterclass Simon Halsey, 8th World Symposium On Choral Music, 2008 Kopenhagen
Gebrüder Graun Wettbewerb 2005, Deutschland Bad Liebenwerda
Bundeswettbewerb für Gesang 2005, Berlin
Presentations / Readings
Konzert anlässlich des 300. Todestages v. Johann Friedrich Reichardt, Halle und Potsdam 2015
Gesprächskonzert mit Jan Nast, Sächsische Staatskapelle, Prof. Dieter-Gerhardt Worm, ETERNA Schallplatte und Christoph Huntgeburth, Traversflöte anlässlich des Geburtstags Friedrich des II, 2016
Cooperative Projects
International Federation for Choral Music 2008–2009
Afghan’s National Institute of Music (ANIM),
Director Dr. Ahmad Sarmast
Goethe Institute Kabul (2013)
Dr. Ahmad Sarmast, Research Fellow, Monash Asia Institute, Monash University Australia
Kunstallianz (2012–2014)
Grosz Brothers Kreativgesellschaft
Prof. Regine Reichwein, Coach
Neue Musik NÖ, Musikfabrik Niederösterreich
Jean-Christophe Rosaz, Komponist
ERDA, Paris
Intermusica, London
Redwoodentertainment, New York
Bauer Studios
Berthold Records
Jazznarts Records
Laika records
Mondeapart Records
Rondeau productions, KLANGLOGO
Concert, music and dance theater
ACEL Paris
Deutsche Tanzkompanie
Diskurs Bayreuth, Bayreuther Festspiele
Gewandhaus Leipzig
Globe Theater Neuss
Palau de la Musica, Barcelona
Theater Münster
Tucholsky Bühne
Mitglied der Jury im Kompositionswettbewerb der „Pyromusicale“ 2009
Mitglied des Expertenkongresses „Zukunft der Musikberufe“ Bundes-und Landesmusikakademie Rheinsberg 2007, 2009
Mitglied der „Freunde und Förderer des Rundfunkchores Berlin e.V.“ , Ehrenamtlicher Vorstand und Vorsitz 2007 bis 2009