Alexandra Ivanova

Alexandra Ivanova

Born to Bulgarian parents in Austria, Alexandra Ivanova grew up curious to meet and understand the ‘Other’ — in herself, in society or in culture. In her compositions, Alexandra creates conversations between jazz, Maqam-based and Afro-Cuban music and odd polyrhythms.

With her album “Beauty in Chaos”, ALEXANDRA IVANOVA opens doors

One year after the release of her debut album “BEAUTY IN CHAOS”, pianist and com­pos­er, Alexan­dra Ivano­va has toured Europe and North Africa with her trio, play­ing in cities such as Berlin, Vien­na, and Cairo

Her con­certs – always fea­tur­ing com­po­si­tions from “Beau­ty in Chaos” – are often sold out. Her work is firm­ly anchored in the present, tak­ing a gen­uine stance on per­son­al and geopo­lit­i­cal issues of our time.

Her show­case at the world’s largest jazz fair, Jaz­za­head in Bre­men, received fre­net­ic applause. Short­ly, she played a char­i­ty con­cert in Berlin for the SOS Children’s Vil­lages. Alexan­dra Ivano­va is at ease on any stage, no mat­ter whether a big jazz fair or a small festival.

In many ways, her album “BEAUTY IN CHAOS” is a snap­shot of a ver­sa­tile and well-trav­elled com­pos­er and pianist, Alexan­dra Ivano­va. It doc­u­ments her deci­sion to fol­low her per­son­al call­ing to devote her life to music. It is also a kind of sanc­tu­ary, offer­ing for people.

In her own com­po­si­tions, Alexan­dra Ivano­va com­bines sounds from Maqam tra­di­tions, Afro-Cuban claves, Bul­gar­i­an rhythms and influ­ences from both clas­si­cal music and jazz. The title track fea­tures the unique voice of the Syr­i­an-French vocal­ist, Lynn Adib.

The pieces on “Beau­ty in Chaos” invite the lis­ten­er to leave the Euro­pean canon and look at the world from dif­fer­ent points of view. They search for east­ern­ness in a West­ern con­text. “Enta Omri”, for exam­ple, is a con­tem­po­rary trib­ute to the leg­endary singer of Ara­bic clas­si­cal music, Umm Kulthum. “Ay Isigin­da” by Azer­bai­jani com­pos­er, Gam­bar Huseyn­li, is a piece which Ivano­va ini­tial­ly heard at a con­cert by the Azer­bai­jan State Orches­tra of Folk Instru­ments. The Ice­landic tra­di­tion­al “Krum­mav­i­sur” fea­tures strik­ing par­al­lels to the music of the Mid­dle East.

“With bassist, Niklas Lukassen, and drum­mer, Nathan Ott — both of whom she met in Berlin — she forms a top-class piano triosen­si­tiv­i­ty and authen­tic­i­ty. well-craft­ed album has opened up a new path for Alexan­dra Ivano­va — she has cre­at­ed a home for her­self in her music, while also reflect­ing the wealth of her life experiences.”

About Alexandra Ivanova

The com­pos­er and pianist, Alexan­dra Ivano­va grew up in Aus­tria and is con­sid­ered an excep­tion­al artist. In an inter­view with JAZZTHING, she shared: “I stem from a Bul­gar­i­an tree, which was plant­ed in Aus­tri­an soil, watered in South-West Asia and the Gulf region, and part­ly also in France. Besides, its aer­i­al roots may stretch all the way to the Caribbean.”

Alexan­dra Ivano­va is con­sid­ered an out of the ordi­nary, ver­sa­tile artist anchored in the present. She took clas­si­cal piano lessons from a young age and dis­cov­ered impro­vi­sa­tion and jazz as a teenag­er, when she found­ed her first jazz trio. She stud­ied both Social Sci­ences and jazz in Dijon, Paris and the UK. Wher­ev­er she lived, she found­ed her jazz trios and per­formed inter­na­tion­al­ly. She learned Ara­bic in Lebanon and then worked in Jor­dan and the Emi­rates, where she met her men­tor, Lebanese-Amer­i­can pianist Tarek Yamani. After an artist res­i­den­cy in Ice­land, she devot­ed her­self to com­pos­ing her debut album “BEAUTY IN CHAOS”, which was released in 2023 with Niklas Lukassen (dou­ble bass) and Nathan Ott (drums). The RELEASE TOUR took her through Europe and North Africa.

Alexan­dra Ivano­va has been award­ed sev­er­al schol­ar­ships. She lives and works in Berlin.