With a variety of timbres and a sensitive mix of instrumental and vocal arrangements, the musicians of KLANGLYS (in German: KLANGLICHT) share their passion for jazz harmonies, rhythmic ostinatos and natural sound patterns in various formations.

“IN HINDSIGHT”: Johannes Käsbach and his intercultural jazz ensemble, KLANGLYS now also in Germany with their DEBUT Album 

With diverse sound col­ors and a sen­si­tive blend of instru­men­tal and vocal arrange­ments, the musi­cians from KLANGLYS (which means, sound light) share their pas­sion for jazz har­monies, rhyth­mic osti­natos and nat­ur­al soundscapes.

With their indi­vid­ual back­grounds, they devel­op mul­ti­col­ored and styl­is­tic son­ic uni­vers­es. Band­leader and com­pos­er Johannes Käsbach con­sid­ers him­self a musi­cal archi­tect, where the music is built on a con­struct of each musician’s char­ac­ter and notion of impro­vi­sa­tion. His per­son­al affec­ta­tion for chord instru­ments – rang­ing from gui­tar to vio­lin – and the human voice, are both a clear sig­na­ture of his sound.

Mak­ing lis­ten­ing both, per­cep­ti­ble and tan­gi­ble, this is what it’s all about for Johannes Käsbach!

From the anato­my of the ear to every­thing that has to do with sound, the acousti­cian, jazz gui­tar play­er, vocal­ist and com­pos­er, is nav­i­gat­ing his audi­ence through a world of music and lan­guages. His music tells sto­ries in a very soul­ful way and reflects thoughts about life deci­sions and choic­es. Like an archi­tect, he devel­ops com­po­si­tions across musi­cal styles, and builds har­mon­ic sound sculp­tures that are made for lis­ten­ers to stay and to shape their dreams. To make these con­structs per­cep­ti­ble and tan­gi­ble, the use of pic­tures, light, and col­ors is as impor­tant as the draw­ing of land­scapes, tran­scend­ing the lis­ten­er through time and space as they wan­der rhyth­mi­cal­ly in syn­chro­niza­tion with the music. Johannes Käsbach val­ues the inter­re­la­tion­ship with his band mem­bers and his audi­ence because he has a mis­sion for KLANGLYS, to be inclu­sive and accessible.

Born in Lev­erkusen, Ger­many, the ver­sa­tile musi­cian, com­pos­er, and arranger with a mas­ter and PhD in Acoustics and hear­ing sci­ence, stud­ied as well at the con­ser­va­to­ry of Ham­burg and at the Cen­tre Des Musiques Didi­er Lock­wood (CMDL) in Paris. Even­tu­al­ly, he set­tled in Copen­hagen, Den­mark, where he found­ed KLANGLYS in 2019. IN HINDISHT is their debut-album that was released in Octo­ber 2021 by GATEWAY MUSIC, pro­duced by Mr Cheese­brook Productions.

After a big res­o­nance in Den­mark, KLANGLYS with Johannes Käsbach is now also rep­re­sent­ed in Ger­many by Goga Music Art Conception.

KLANGLYS, this is:

Johannes Käsbach (DE) – gui­tar, vocals, com­po­si­tions, arrange­ments, production

Woj­ciech Morelows­ki (PL) – trumpet

Alek­san­dra Raczyńska (PL) – vio­lin and vocals

Ale­jan­dro Gis­pert (CU) – bass

Jan Kadere­it (DE) – drums and percussion

Fea­tur­ing musi­cian:
Sebas­t­ian Zawadz­ki (PL) – piano