Jens Gebel
Foto: Britt Schilling

Jens Gebel

Jens Gebel, the sound painter of jazz, who as a composer and arranger writes his pieces for the musicians on “the instrument”. He has been working in the various facets of the music business for over 30 years. He looks back on a wide-ranging award portfolio as a blind musician, such as “STYLIST OF THE YEAR”, MIT Los Angeles, GERMAN JAZZAWARD , Bassist of the Year German Rock and Pop Award, ZMF Sponsorship Award.

Debut CD “Tunesday”: South American sound for all seasons — composer and musician Jens Gebel presents his audience with a wide range of sounds as a “sound painter” in a quartet

When you lis­ten to his com­po­si­tions on his debut CD “Tunes­day”, you are momen­tar­i­ly remind­ed of relaxed sum­mer evenings or South Amer­i­can nights. And there is a rea­son for this, because Jens Gebel, who was born in the Black For­est, was drawn to Los Ange­les at the age of 23, where he per­formed with gui­tar greats Scott Hen­der­son, Jacob Phillips and Joe Dioro and stud­ied at the Musi­cians Institute.

The blind auto­di­dact also dis­cov­ered his love of Brazil­ian music there, play­ing with many Brazil­ian musi­cians. His per­for­mance at the MI with Car­ol Rogers is leg­endary. The cheer­ful­ness and pos­i­tive ener­gy of the Brazil­ian grooves and melodies inspired him to found the “Jens Gebel Quar­tet”. Beau­ti­ful melodies as well as har­mon­ic and rhyth­mic sophis­ti­ca­tion are very impor­tant to him. He wants to bring the spir­it of Brazil­ian music, com­bined with melo­di­ous jazz, to a wider audience.

At the same time, there is some­thing about his com­po­si­tions that echoes the light­ness of the transat­lantic vari­ety of sounds of George Gersh­win and Leonard Bernstein.

In 2023, he record­ed a debut CD with the “Jens Gebel Quar­tet”. Along­side Jens Gabel as bassist and band leader are: Michael Arlt, gui­tar, Domenic Lan­dolf, bass clar­inet and sax­o­phones and Daniel Schay, pandeiro.

Jens Gebel says about his quartet:

“… the most impor­tant thing for me was to form a band with its own sound with recog­ni­tion val­ue. I achieved this through the spe­cial selec­tion of the instru­ments pan­deiro, bass clar­inet and micro bass as well as the skilled play­ing of the instru­men­tal­ists. I want­ed to make hand­made music with few tech­ni­cal aids — the music should be very relaxed and pleas­ant to lis­ten to, even for lis­ten­ers who are not used to jazz. At the same time, the atmos­pher­ic pieces and impro­vi­sa­tions are a nice chal­lenge for us musicians.”

With “Tunes­day”, Jens Gebel demon­strates that he cre­ates his own band sound with his band and that every­one shares his enthu­si­asm for this style. He him­self says: “I want to cre­ate pre­vi­ous­ly unheard sound­scapes with my music…”

Fur­ther­more, he lives with his wife, sax­o­phon­ist Veron­i­ca Reiff, in Freiburg. There they run the “citysound­stu­dio”. Jens Gebel is also com­mit­ted to acces­si­bil­i­ty by enabling blind peo­ple to access the dig­i­tal world. Since 2010, he and Veron­i­ca Reiff have been offer­ing cours­es on how to use com­put­ers, smart­phones, and music pro­grams with screen read­ers on the web­site Since then, they have held more than a hun­dred train­ing cours­es in Ger­many and Austria.