Sara Aldén

Sara Aldén’s album debuts in the spring of 2024 with original compositions of jazz with a focus on intimacy, grand crescendos and the end of everything. She is described as the creator of “jazz on life and death”.

In the upcom­ing debut album “There is no future” (Nax­os, Pro­phone, March 2024), Sara Aldén and her trio show a mas­sive sink­hole in the his­to­ry of jazz, where doom-filled com­po­si­tions are inter­spersed with dizzy­ing arpeg­gios and sound worlds that reflect the end of all as we know it. She made her EP debut in 2022 with the crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed “A Room of One’s Own” where she explored the norm and form of jazz with her very own expres­sion and musi­cal lan­guage. With musi­cal sound heroes such as Lina Nyberg, Gretchen Par­la­to, Esb­jörn Svens­son Trio and Tigran Hamasyan, Sara cre­ates broad brush­strokes for how jazz sounds in 2024.

Sara has pre­vi­ous­ly played with musi­cians such as Anders Jormin, Malin Wät­tring and Mar­tin Sjöst­edt and per­formed her release con­cert togeth­er with Lina Nyberg at Skep­pet on June 3, 2022. Sara has received the Fredri­ka Bre­mer schol­ar­ship and the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Music’s local scholarships.