Terese Lien Evenstad
Terese Lien Evenstad Quartet consists of award-winning musicians from Sweden, Norway, and Estonia. All members are outstanding soloists and improvisers, and together they give the audience a spectacular experience of musical interplay. The group plays contemporary nordic jazz composed by Terese, ranging from highly intense energy releases and harmonies to peaceful and beautiful melodies. The audience has been moved to tears as often as they have been cheering with joy. The music is atmospheric and can create images in the head of the listener, which allows the music to be felt in the heart.
Terese Lien Evenstad dares to experiment with different sounds and styles, allowing her to create music that is both modern and still holds jazz at its heart. Her music includes references to the traditional mainstream of jazz, but at the same time, it offers a breath of fresh air of modern music without any limitations. The main ingredients of TLEQ’s music are distinctive melodies and energetic rhythms. Improvisation takes up a significant space and is an organic part of each song, giving the music authenticity, an organic feel, and spontaneity.
From the first note, the listener is drawn into TLEQ’s musical landscape, filled with melodies and rhythmic patterns that one remembers even after the song ends. The group also offers several lyrical and tender ballads where the band members excel with their feelings and emotional phrasing. Each song tells its own tale, drawing inspiration from places, experiences, and events.
While embracing a slightly more modern and ”rocking” soundscape, the compositions exhibit a vein of folk music, elevating the music beyond the boundaries of pure jazz. Terese fearlessly experiments with various playing techniques, which ensures a rich variation that guides the listener’s engagement throughout the concert.
Together with pianist Fabian Kallerdahl, bassist Arvid Jullander, drummer Johan Birgenius, and clarinetist Alexander Ivarsson, Terese Lien Evenstad forms a band that touches the listener with expressive violin jazz as a signature.