Terese Lien Evenstad
Terese Lien Evenstad

Impres­sive­ly strong com­po­si­tions with lyri­cal melodies build­ing the foun­da­tion of great solo performances. 

Speaks to everyone’s hearts and brains. 

Evenstad’s vio­lin play­ing is bril­liant; it swings like the jazz vio­lin in this genre should do. 

Terese Lien Evenstad

Terese Lien Evenstad Quartet consists of award-winning musicians from Sweden, Norway, and Estonia. All members are outstanding soloists and improvisers, and together they give the audience a spectacular experience of musical interplay. The group plays contemporary nordic jazz composed by Terese, ranging from highly intense energy releases and harmonies to peaceful and beautiful melodies. The audience has been moved to tears as often as they have been cheering with joy. The music is atmospheric and can create images in the head of the listener, which allows the music to be felt in the heart. 

Terese Lien Even­stad is Sweden’s fore­most jazz vio­lin­ist and is a well-estab­lished name on the Swedish jazz scene. She has received sev­er­al awards and schol­ar­ships for her music. She has released four albums in the last five years on her record label Jotun Records and plays exten­sive­ly around Swe­den with the TLE Quar­tet and oth­er projects.

Terese Lien Even­stad was born in Nor­way and is the first jazz vio­lin­ist in his­to­ry to grad­u­ate from the Bachelor’s Pro­gram in Jazz-Per­for­mance at the Roy­al Col­lege of Music in Stock­holm. Her music and per­for­mances have led to a nom­i­na­tion for the pres­ti­gious jazz prize of Jaz­zkat­ten in the cat­e­go­ry New­com­er of the year 2018, which is award­ed by the Swedish nation­al radio P2. She was also award­ed the Louis Arm­strong-schol­ar­ship in 2018 with the moti­va­tion: “She has giv­en the vio­lin a new face in jazz”. Terese has also been hon­ored to per­form her music with Bohus­län Big Band, one of the most well known big bands in Swe­den. She was invit­ed to their project called Up-and-com­ing artists 2019, where they present young musi­cians who have made a name for them­selves in the Swedish jazz soci­ety. In 2019, she was nom­i­nat­ed for the con­cert series “Young Swedish Soloist 2019” pro­duced by Scenkon­st Sörm­land and award­ed the J: son Schol­ar­ship by the leg­endary gui­tarist Janne Schaf­fer (he has played with ABBA, Toto och Bob Mar­ley, among oth­ers). Dur­ing 2020, the group released their sec­ond album, Per­cep­tive.

It swings delight­ful­ly and warm­ly of the boss’s vio­lin performance. 

Terese has writ­ten all the music, and the inter­ac­tion is respon­sive, almost tele­path­ic, with great impro­vi­sa­tions from every­one involved. 

Sug­ges­tive and Nordic, but also lov­ing warmth. Every­thing has a unique sound, which remains with the lis­ten­er after a playthrough of the album.