Terese Lien Evenstad

Terese Lien Evenstad

Terese Lien Evenstad Quartet consists of award-winning musicians from Sweden, Norway, and Estonia. All members are outstanding soloists and improvisers, and together they give the audience a spectacular experience of musical interplay. The group plays contemporary nordic jazz composed by Terese, ranging from highly intense energy releases and harmonies to peaceful and beautiful melodies. The audience has been moved to tears as often as they have been cheering with joy. The music is atmospheric and can create images in the head of the listener, which allows the music to be felt in the heart. 

Terese Lien Even­stad dares to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent sounds and styles, allow­ing her to cre­ate music that is both mod­ern and still holds jazz at its heart. Her music includes ref­er­ences to the tra­di­tion­al main­stream of jazz, but at the same time, it offers a breath of fresh air of mod­ern music with­out any lim­i­ta­tions. The main ingre­di­ents of TLEQ’s music are dis­tinc­tive melodies and ener­getic rhythms. Impro­vi­sa­tion takes up a sig­nif­i­cant space and is an organ­ic part of each song, giv­ing the music authen­tic­i­ty, an organ­ic feel, and spon­tane­ity. 

From the first note, the lis­ten­er is drawn into TLEQ’s musi­cal land­scape, filled with melodies and rhyth­mic pat­terns that one remem­bers even after the song ends. The group also offers sev­er­al lyri­cal and ten­der bal­lads where the band mem­bers excel with their feel­ings and emo­tion­al phras­ing. Each song tells its own tale, draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from places, expe­ri­ences, and events.  

While embrac­ing a slight­ly more mod­ern and ”rock­ing” sound­scape, the com­po­si­tions exhib­it a vein of folk music, ele­vat­ing the music beyond the bound­aries of pure jazz. Terese fear­less­ly exper­i­ments with var­i­ous play­ing tech­niques, which ensures a rich vari­a­tion that guides the listener’s engage­ment through­out the con­cert. 

Togeth­er with pianist Fabi­an Kaller­dahl, bassist Arvid Jul­lan­der, drum­mer Johan Bir­ge­nius, and clar­inetist Alexan­der Ivars­son, Terese Lien Even­stad forms a band that touch­es the lis­ten­er with expres­sive vio­lin jazz as a sig­na­ture.