Efrat Alony mit einem roten Megafon in der Hand
Foto: Car­o­la Schmidt

Efrat Alony

Trying to put the award-winning israelian singer and composer Efrat Alony’s music in a box is a task destined to fail. Her ability to compose and sing in-between the musical genres, in her exceptional unique style, is what makes her stand out and shine.

Hol­ly­wood isn’t call­ing – new wind, new horizon

With yet anoth­er twist in the tale, Alony’s new project Hol­ly­wood isn’t call­ing is no longer escap­ing real­i­ty into com­fort­ing fan­ta­sy worlds but is will­ing to stare at it, at face val­ue, while insist­ing on find­ing a way to way through it all with a smile. Hol­ly­wood isn’t’ call­ing is set­ting the scene with two main char­ac­ters, sit­ting at a table across each-oth­er, the one – Humor, and the oth­er – Depth. These two strangers, a rare pair, are both mov­ing uncom­fort­ably on their sit, siz­ing each-oth­er up, search­ing for clues. Depth is inward­ly rov­ing, far and wide, while Humor vig­or­ous­ly sweeps in, with dis­arm­ing tales, of pirou­et­ting ele­phants, danc­ing in white wine or sway­ing blue giraffes, whis­per­ing quirky tales that make you laugh. Unafraid, they real­ize that their own reflec­tion is not much dif­fer­ent from the strangers oppo­site them. This unusu­al exchange brings about a fresh light­ness, that allows Alony’s cap­ti­vat­ing poet­ry to soar, cre­at­ing a mag­i­cal ves­sel, through which the won­ders of Alony’s fab­u­lous instru­ment unfold. A strong, soul­ful voice, its waste depth, almost haunts you.

A mar­velous shapeshift­ing being that slips in and out of dif­fer­ent char­ac­ters and emotions.

Through her wide range of emo­tions, with razor sharp lyrics with a strong social com­men­tary on one hand or with heart­break­ing vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty on the oth­er, she allures us to unex­pect­ed, unknown avenues, and we — the lis­ten­ers – fol­low blind­ly – we’re allowed a peek into the mys­tery, its most pow­er­ful and most frail moments.

Accom­pa­nied by a strong Trio, set from the crème de la crème of the con­tem­po­rary Ger­man jazz scene: Frank Wingold (gui­tar), Hen­ning Siev­erts (bass) and Hein­rich Koeb­ber­ling (drums) the Sto­ry-telling skills and inquir­ing musi­cal mind of each of the musi­cians unfurl. Togeth­er, they under­take a fan­tas­ti­cal Jour­ney, through unex­pect­ed hid­den door­ways, por­tray­ing the HERE and NOW — a cut­ting-edge ver­sion of mod­ern jazz.