Anna Lundqvist Lisboa Cinco
Foto: Diana Tinoco

Anna Lundqvist Lisboa Cinco

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Swedish jazz vocalist Anna Lundqvist is the band leader and composer of the Lisbon-based quintet: Anna Lundqvist Lisboa Cinco. Together with Anna, the quintet is a band containing some of the most interestng and progressive musicians from the Portuguese jazz scene.

The music is high­ly ener­getc with a strong inter­play and impro­visaton in focus. The music is mod­ern jazz, foat­ng in between the Amer­i­can tra­di­tons and the Euro­pean jazz sound with influ­ences from pop, rock and Swedish hymns.

The band was formed right before the pan­dem­ic but got togeth­er again Jan­u­ary 2022 and joined forces for a new begin­ning, new music and a strong musi­cal unit.

In Sep­tem­ber 2023 their new album Sou Anna will be released at Swedish label Pro­phone records/NAXOS. The album is record­ed and mixed in Por­tu­gal and is pro­duced by Anna Lundqvist and Joel Silva.

Anna Lundqvist – vocals, com­pos­er
Desidério Lázaro – tenor and sopra­no sax­o­phone
Daniel Bernardes – piano
André Car­val­ho – dou­ble bass
Joel Sil­va – drums