

Following her multi-nominated album “Papillon”, which was released in 2022 the versatile and highly talented singer, pianist, composer and producer Vidya Liselotte Sundberg, “Vidya” released her third album entitled “Adi Shakti”.

Vidya alias Vidya-Liselotte Sundberg and “Adi Shakti”

The tril­o­gy of her albums “Peace”, “Papil­lon” and “Adi Shak­ti”: the­ma­tizes “Lost and Found”, the redis­cov­ery of her bio­log­i­cal moth­er in 2017 and her death in 2018 as well as the death of her Swedish adop­tive moth­er in 2022. These exis­ten­tial sit­u­a­tions led to bor­der­line expe­ri­ences, which Vidya first reflect­ed in her sec­ond and now in her new, third album. Among oth­er things, Vidya uses a text by the Per­sian poet Rumi about the after­life, here and now.-Vidya says: “Los­ing a moth­er means that a strong bond sud­den­ly no longer exists.” For Vidya, this opened up the pos­si­bil­i­ty of find­ing some­thing new. That’s why Vidya’s new music was inspired by a poem by Rumi and the Hin­du mantra Adi Shakti:

“Beyond the ideas of right and wrong there is a field, there I will meet you. When the soul lies in the grass, the world is too full to talk about” – Rumi

With the Indi­an mantra “Adi Shak­ti” which trans­lates as “pri­mal force”, every­one con­nects “with the vast and infi­nite divine source with­in us all” Vidya

The mantra has a fem­i­nine aspect and allows Vidya to immerse her­self in the life-giv­ing mater­nal ener­gy that brings every­thing to life. “Adi Shak­ti” con­tains the entire album auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal­ly, as all the tracks are ded­i­cat­ed to this. The sto­ry of the album is com­ple­ment­ed by a sto­ry of the band from trio to quar­tet, per­form­ing the Adi Shak­ti with Vidya.

Mag­nus Bergström: Acoustic Bass
Vidya has known acoustic bassist Mag­nus Bergström since the begin­ning of their stud­ies in 2002, when they played her songs and she wrote lyrics for his songs. Vidya describes Mag­nus as a “great soul” who cares about music and plays it as if he were hold­ing it in his hands.  An excep­tion­al musi­cian in his field.

Jon Fält: Drums
Vidya and Jon first met at music col­lege. There they only played togeth­er once, because he was in great demand and she played in oth­er ensem­bles, but they were musi­cal­ly con­nect­ed. 16 years lat­er Vidya remem­bered and sim­ply called him and asked if he want­ed to play with her. Now they have fin­ished their sec­ond CD.

Rob Luft: Gui­tar
Vidya was hav­ing din­ner in a restau­rant in Lon­don in the mid­dle of the night after a solo gig in May 2022 when she saw three missed calls from Jon. She texted back and said: “Let’s talk tomor­row when we’re back in Stock­holm”, where they were both play­ing the release gig for Vidya’s sec­ond album “Der Pap­pi­lon”. Jon imme­di­ate­ly wrote back: “That’s not pos­si­ble! We have to talk now! I’m with a great gui­tarist who can be at the gig tomor­row! “Vidya thought it was a fun­ny idea, as she did­n’t know who the gui­tarist was at the time. She told me to bring him along, and so this is how Rob and Vidya met for the first time. When they met, she asked Rob why he want­ed to come and he replied, “I real­ly like your com­po­si­tions.” Vidya lat­er asked him if he would be inter­est­ed in com­pos­ing music with her, and in Octo­ber of that year she trav­eled to Lon­don to do so.

Vidya’s music moves between the past, present, and future. Born in India and adopt­ed and raised in Swe­den, Vidya dis­cov­ered her musi­cal­i­ty and her abil­i­ty to mir­ror oth­ers at an ear­ly age. It is there­fore not sur­pris­ing that her ear­ly music was influ­enced by Michael Jack­son and that Vidya lived the rela­tion­ship between music and phys­i­cal­i­ty in dance. She col­lect­ed her musi­cal input in a self-taught man­ner. In addi­tion to her musi­cal life, rela­tion­ships with peo­ple played a major role In the tril­o­gy of albums released by Vidya. “Peace” and “Papil­lon”, which dealt first with love and then with trans­for­ma­tion, the third album, “Loss and Found”, deals with ques­tions of the inner and out­er world.

Vidya Adi Shakti Albumcover