Lukas DeRungs

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Lukas DeRungs is an award-winning pianist and composer, currently living in Mannheim (DE).

Over the past years Lukas DeRungs has been an active part of the Euro­pean jazz scene with trio de lucs (Jaz­zopen Stuttgart 2016, Burghauser New­com­er Jazz Com­pe­ti­tion 2017, B‑Jazz Leu­ven BE 2018) and his Lukas DeRungs Quin­tet. Aside from his own cre­ative work, he is side­man in dif­fer­ent orig­i­nal music projects and works as an arranger for choirs and vocal groups such as Jaz­z­chor Freiburg. 

In 2016, Lukas DeRungs won first prize at both the Inter­na­tion­al Jazz Piano Com­pe­ti­tion Lang­nau (CH) July 2016 and the Yama­ha Jazz Piano Com­pe­ti­tion Nurem­berg (DE) May 2016. He holds schol­ar­ships from the Art Foun­da­tion Baden-Würt­tem­berg, the Ger­man Aca­d­e­m­ic Exchange Ser­vice (DAAD), and the Nicky Hop­kins Award. In 2021, Lukas DeRungs grad­u­at­ed from the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Music in Lon­don with distinction.