Jim Robitaille
Foto: Jesse Nerofsky

Jim Robitaille

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Guitarist and award-winning composer Jim Robitaille has worked with jazz greats such as Dave Liebman, Karl Berger, Bob Moses, Joe Beck, Gerry Gibbs, Santi Debriano, Julian Lage, Esperanza Spalding, Oscar Stagnaro, Vic Juris, Kate McGarry, pop singer Billy Gilman, and the Dizzy Gillespie Alumni All-Stars.

Jim Robitaille has appeared on 30 record­ings and doc­u­men­tary films includ­ing To Music, and A View From With­in on WCS with the Jim Robitaille Group fea­tur­ing NEA Jazz mas­ter Dave Lieb­man. His lat­est release on WCS with the Jim Robitaille Trio is called Space Cycles.

His tele­vi­sion and live per­for­mances include : The BET Jazz Chan­nel, The Time Warn­er Music Choice Jazz Chan­nel, PBS Tele­vi­sion, The Baird Audi­to­ri­um at the Smith­son­ian Institute’s Muse­um of Nat­ur­al His­to­ry, Wash­ing­ton, D.C, The Bearsville The­atre, Wood­stock, N.Y, the Berklee Col­lege of Music, Ryles Jazz Club Inter­na­tion­al, Nar­rows Cen­ter for the Arts, The Wang Cen­ter, Boston, MA, The Knit­ting Fac­to­ry and Smoke in New York, Quai Des Brumes, Mon­tre­al, QC, Cana­da, Gal­lerie Larouge, Que­bec City, QC, Cana­da, Club Nec­tar VT, Vet­er­ans Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um, Prov­i­dence, R.I., Zei­t­e­ri­on The­ater, Habi­tats for Human­i­ty, and tours in the US, and abroad.

The Jim Robitaille Group’s debut record­ing enti­tled To Music fea­tur­ing sax­o­phon­ist Dave Lieb­man, received inter­na­tion­al crit­i­cal acclaim win­ning three inter­na­tion­al com­po­si­tion awards for three of his com­po­si­tions from the record­ing. The CD was num­ber five in the top ten list of 2004 by the Dai­ly Ipirotikos Agon and the Apop­sy in Greece and was the pub­lish­ers pick for All About Jazz and the Boston Her­ald. The record­ing received inter­na­tion­al air­play and was #1 chart-bound on the Jazz­Week Jazz chart.

His record­ing A View From With­in on also fea­tures Dave Lieb­man and made the top 100 on Jazz­Week as well as Roy­al Stokes top ten jazz releas­es of 2109.

Awards include The 9th Annu­al Thelo­nious Monk Inter­na­tion­al Jazz Com­posers Com­pe­ti­tion spon­sored by BMI, The 2002 Great Amer­i­can Song Con­test First Place Instru­men­tal Cat­e­go­ry, and The 2002 Great Amer­i­can Song Con­test Out­stand­ing Achieve­ment in Song­writ­ing Award. Oth­er acco­lades include The 2011 Assets For Artists Grant, The Julius Hemphill Jazz Com­posers Alliance Com­pe­ti­tion, The Inter­na­tion­al Song­writ­ing Con­test, Budrus doc­u­men­tary film, and numer­ous per­for­mance grants from the Mass­a­chu­setts Cul­tur­al Coun­cil For the Arts.

Jim Robitaille has stud­ied gui­tar and impro­vi­sa­tion with jazz gui­tarist Jon Dami­an at the Berklee Col­lege of Music, Boston, MA, and impro­vi­sa­tion with Char­lie Bana­cos. Robitaille has per­formed con­certs and taught work­shops, class­es, clin­ics, and mas­ter-class­es in Que­bec Cana­da, St John U.S.V.I, West­field State Col­lege, Berklee Col­lege of Music, Bran­deis Uni­ver­si­ty, Holyoke Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts Dart­mouth, Cape Cod Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, Con­necti­cut Col­lege, West­ern New Eng­land Col­lege, Bris­tol Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, Fal­mouth Acad­e­my, and Tabor Acad­e­my, and is an applied jazz gui­tar lec­tur­er, ensem­ble direc­tor, and founder and direc­tor of the Per­for­mance Jam Ses­sion Series on the Jazz Fac­ul­ty at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts Dartmouth.